Various Traps That Can Be Created on the Island

All of these tricks can be executed properly somewhere on the island. We have trained professionals on hand to assist you with all of these traps, so please take advantage of our FREE Trap Guides. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS OF OTHER HUNTERS WHILE USING TRAPS ON YOUR OWN. MARK THEM SOMEHOW, PLEASE.

Malay Mancatcher

"The dead tree, delicately adjusted to rest on the cut living one, crashed down and struck... a glancing blow on the shoulder as it fell." This trap is triggered by a protruding bough and is almost ensured to kill or seriously wound your prey.

Burmese Tiger Pit

This trap is described by an onlooker of Sanger Rainsford, who created it while on the island. "The pit grew deeper; when it was above his shoulders, he climbed out and from some hard saplings cut stakes and sharpened them to a fine point. These stakes he planted in the bottom of the pit with the points sticking up. With flying fingers he wove a rough carpet of weeds and branches and with it he covered the mouth of the pit." This trick is only to be used in our Jaguar Jungle and only with a guide by the most skilled of hunters.

Uganda Knife Trick

To create this simple, yet effective, trap, use a springy young sapling, a hunting knife, and some wild grapevine. Fasten the knife, with blade pointing in direction of prey, to the tree. Pull back catapult-style and tie back with wild grapevine. Tree will eventually break loose and knife will plunge into prey. Be extremely cautious of other hunters.